Sunday, March 22, 2009

John 3:16 All Over the Place

I tellya, being sick and laid up with a bad foot can sure put a crimp in the blog writing style. However, I did share a story with my congregation today in worship about John 3:16. It seems that everyone, follower of Jesus or not, has been exposed to John 3:16. That's the Bible verse that says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only son so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life." The words "John 3:16" have appeared on more banners, billboards, and bumper stickers than I can count. Students in Vacation Bible School and various Christian schools memorize that verse with great regularity. The verse appears almost as often as "My Child is an Honor Student at the Genius Gates of Greatness Center." I have not yet seen a parody of John 3:16. Possibly people are too reverent to come up with one, or else they haven't gotten that creative yet. I have, however, seen a parody of "My Child Is an Honor Student at the Genius Gates of Greatness Center." That bumper sticker reads, "Your child may be an honor student at Genius Gates of Greatness, but your driving stinks."


Rick OzTown said...

U-sed: "I have not yet seen a parody of John 3:16. Possibly people are too reverent to come up with one, or else they haven't gotten that creative yet."

I hope not to burst your bubble, but this exact text:
"john 3:16" parody
plopped down into the Google search finds about 11,200 hits! That not only is not HEY, it isn't even HEY, HEY!

Rick OzTown said...

Glad you're back on the posting road, limp or not.

Irreverent Reverend said...

Well, I guess I should have Google-searched John 3:16 parodies first!

Irreverent Reverend said...

Well, I guess I should have Google-searched John 3:16 parodies first!