Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Electrifying Experience

I've told stories about my members doing outrageous things. Now here's one about me. When I moved into the house the preacher lives in, called a "parsonage", it had electrical issues. I thought we had those fixed. However, last night the hall light, which had had a faulty socket, stopped working. I thought at first the light bulb had burned out so I got up on the stepladder to change it. While I was screwing it out, it flashed at me! I jumped violently and almost fell off the ladder. Then I got mad at that lightbulb for flashing me while I was screwing it. I was determined to get it out.

I broke it.

Now I have a busted lightbulb and a still-faulty socket. When I called Bob Veeblefetzer, one of the trustees, he could hardly stop laughing.

1 comment:

kokopelliwoman said...

Hey, is your photo from the Mexico cruise? Cool!

Good work on your blog, keep it up.