Thursday, November 6, 2008

By the Way, We Just Had an Election

Much as I try to avoid getting into political discussions, we just had an, um, election, if you didn't know. Barack Hussein Obama is going to be our next president, just in case you've been in a rabbit hole playing video games this past week. I and some of my more reverent colleagues have been soothing panicky parishioners who think this signals the beginning of the End Times. I tend not to think in this Rapturous way though. It is another election, albeit a high-stakes one. The pendulum swings right, then left, then back again. The sun will keep rising, the bills will keep coming, and family and friends will keep calling -- as long as I keep bathing.

Thought for the day: Can cross-eyed teachers control their pupils?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Certainly, they can control their pupils better than Gladly (the cross-eyed bear).