Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Nonsensical Notions

I was wandering around Target today and saw underwire bras on sale. I read somewhere that wearing an underwire bra increases a woman's chance of getting struck by lightning. That is one of those strange ideas that wormed its way into my consciousness and bypassed my critical faculties. I realize now that it makes little sense. A bolt of lightning has a low probability of going cloud-to-ground and doubling back in an arc to hit the underwire in a bra. Suddenly I felt less afraid and my world seemed brighter. I could have applied the same logical reasoning years ago when my mother told me that if I made a face or crossed my eyes, I would stay that way forever. Or that green M & M's arouse passion. Are there people with very little to do who sit around and make this stuff up?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW. Science and the scientific method just grabbed a foothold in south Texas!