Friday, August 22, 2008

Baking and Backed Up Sewers

It rained hard all day today so I stayed home most of the day. I was baking cookies for tomorrow's party at my house for Smalltown church members. Tom Raglift, the head trustee, called to tell me there is sewer gas and sewer water in the church hall tonight. That happened in addition to the leak in the roof that commenced during the Healthy Recipes Luncheon yesterday. I feel sorry for poor Tom. Head trustee of a building that buckles. But I'm glad the party is at my house and not at the church. The sound of water coming through the roof, hitting the bucket and going plonk plonk plonk, could affect the merriment of the party. And the delicate aroma of sewage could alter the taste of the cookies. After we commiserated about the old building and its aches and breaks, creaks and leaks, Tom asked what I was up to. I told him, "Baking chocolate chip cookies for Smalltown church members."

Tom remonstrated, "They aren't very good for you."
I responded, "The church members or the cookies?"

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