Friday, August 1, 2008

Emma Ertle Rides Again

I was driving home from SeaCity after being with Bob Veeblefetzer's wife, Janet, who had a heart catheter done. Fortunately her heart is healthy. Coming home, I was at an intersection. Elderly Emma Ertle whooshed by on my left in her Cadillac, ignoring the stop sign. Her blue hair and glasses were, as usual, barely visible over the dashboard and only as a whizzing blur as she peeled rubber. All of us in Smalltown keep a close eye out for Emma. Her collection of speeding tickets has only grown since I arrived. However, Mrs. Ertle isn't all bad. She told me that she had a granddaughter who recently prayed, "Dear Lord, I ask nothing for myself, but please send my mother a son-in-law."

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