Monday, August 11, 2008

Sea City and Smalltown Travels

Shown: Myra MacDonald in the church office with multiple projects scattered around.

When I got back from Sea City to Smalltown, there was Myra McDonald hanging up the phone. She told me that she had been thinking about calling animal control . We have a bevy of cats hanging around next door, but Myra had decided to delay making that phone call. She explained, "Last summer I called animal control about a dead cat in the church's front yard. That cat had been belly-up in the same spot for days. Finally animal control came with a bag to stuff him into. The cat ran away."

The cat isn't the only one who picks out a spot and parks it. The dogs in the street do the same thing. They choose a place in the middle of a road and just stand, sit, or lie there for hours on end. The behavior seems contagious. I was in the HEB grocery parking lot and there was an elderly Mexican grandmother standing with her shopping cart in front of her car. She stood and gazed into space for several minutes. I have no idea whether she was meditating, praying, or just daydreaming about the groceries she would soon buy. In Smalltown many people and most critters don't move much. Then I think back to Austin where everyone always hurried and I wonder what all that rushing was about! I guess I'm getting acclimated. That's OK. Jesus got a lot done, but he never seemed to hurry either.
Someone in Sea City is very brave. I saw an SUV there today with a bumper sticker designed to offend all observers. It read, "NUKE AN UNBORN GAY BABY WHALE FOR JESUS." That one could draw hate mail out of everyone from the Sierra Club to Focus on the Family.

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