Sunday, August 3, 2008

New Drainage Information

Lola Flushpoole has been reading this blog and told me I had incorrect information about the town's nonexistent drainage system. She explained that the drainage system in Smalltown was in fact carefully designed. The design was to drain the excess water to nearby Mudville, until the Mudvillians realized this and complained to the media. Since then, the design has been to effect a more devious route so the Mudvillians do not realize they are being drained to.

She also reflected about the National Enquirer being the fine literature that it is. Lola's mother had a dear caretaker who, shall we say, was not the brightest bulb in the box. The dear lady's name was Margaret. At some point Lola's mother complained about a lack of reading material. Her caretaker rushed out and brought back what she considered the epitome of classy literature -- the National Enquirer. Mother, choking back a guffaw, put out her hand to take it. But Margaret cried, "No! I have to take it back! They gave me last week's copy!"

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