Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Lola Flushpoole rides again

Lola Flushpoole, church piano accompanist, always has a new idea coming down the pike. I saw her yesterday, of course, during Sunday worship. Yesterday was apparently Pastor Appreciation Day. I did not know that until Lola told me. Lola's husband, Marvin, is a retired pastor. Lola asked me, "Do I have to appreciate Marvin today?" She then concluded that she would at least tolerate him gracefully.

Lola shares my love of mystery books. She told me she had hoped to give me all her old Agatha Christie mysteries until she learned I already had a full library of them. She has saved hers to read in her old age, but she said, "Now I have reached my old age and I still remember the solutions. So sad. I had hoped for a little more fog by this time."

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