Thursday, October 30, 2008

Way Too Many Rules

A South African friend of mine once said that one of the irksome things about this country is all its posted rules, and the fact that almost all of them are enforced. Go to Italy and you'll see what she means. We are told, "Don't step over the yellow line!" "Don't eat the produce before you buy it!" "Sign on this dotted line and not that one!" "Don't fish on the jetty!" And so on, ad infinitum and ad nauseam. I drove to Coastal City, near Sea City, for my day off today. I ran into this rule-making phenomenon there. Immediately in the attractive park by the sea I saw signs saying "No Littering" "No Curb Jumping" and "No Angle Parking." I wondered about that last sign as no matter where I parked, I would be at an angle to something.

I immediately wanted to leap out of my car and put up a few more signs saying, "No Grass Chewing" "No Hiccuping" and "No Reverse-Direction Skydiving." Anyone caught parachuting upward into the wild blue yonder will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I wonder if part of the crime problem in this country is just young people fed up with all the rules. I would never have thought about jumping the curb until I saw the sign. Then I wanted to jump the curb in a spectacular way. It really woke up the closet anarchist in me. Whoever is posting all those signs: Just relax, willya?


Anonymous said...

"No angle parking" is equivalent to "parallel parking only" which means parking parallel to the curb ONLY.

Hope that helps.

Anonymous said...

Very near the border, all the signs are in Spanish.
Many years ago, when we lived in Brownsville, I
noticed many signs that said things like "Very
dangerous. Do not approach!" in Spanish. Nothing
in English. I guess if you didn't speak Spanish........
Oh well.